CO-OP® "The Great Co-op Recipe" CONTEST

The Great Co-op Recipe Contest (the “Contest”) is sponsored by Federated Co-operatives Limited (the “Sponsor”) and will be administered by both the Sponsor and My Brother Darryl (the “Administrator”).  The Contest is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other person or organization except the Sponsor and the Administrator. The Contest begins 12:00:00 am CT (Central Time) on May 16, 2024 (the “Contest Start Date”) and ends 11:59:59 pm CT on June 16, 2024 (the “Contest Closing Date”), known as the “Contest Period”.  The sole determinant for time shall be the Administrator’s server(s).



NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.  A purchase will not increase your chance of winning. To enter and receive one (1) Contest entry:

Online: Go online to (the “Contest Website”), click “The Great Co-op Recipe Contest” link and complete the online registration form with the following information: first name, last name, valid email address, phone number, city/town, postal code, phone number, your original recipe (the “Recipe” and collectively with the entrant’s personal information being the “Entry Form”) and confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the Contest rules and that you are age of majority in your province by clicking the applicable boxes.  All entrant information, including personal information and the Recipe, may be used by Sponsor for marketing purposes. All online entries must be received on or before the Contest Closing Date.

Limit one (1) entry per person regardless of email address, telephone number, or any other variation of an entrant’s personal information.

Recipe: Each submitted Recipe: must be in English; must include a recipe title, ingredients list and required measurements and quantities, and complete directions; must include a photo of the completed recipe; must include a CO-OP® brand product; must be an original work; may not have been previously published; may not have been considered for or won previous awards or prizes; may not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, rights of publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity; if any third parties are referenced, written consent has been obtained from each such person (and his/her parent or legal guardian if a minor), and such written consent will be provided to Sponsor upon request; must be intended for family audience viewing and contain only content that, in the sole and unfettered discretion of the Sponsor, is suitable for all persons, including persons under the age of 13; and may be submitted only once.




To enter the Contest and be eligible to win a prize in the Contest, a person must have a valid Co-op membership, must be a resident of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba, and the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which he or she resides as of the Contest Start Date. 

Not Eligible

The Sponsor’s employees and the Sponsor’s Board of Directors, including their respective immediate family* and those domiciled with the Sponsor’s employees and Board of Directors, are not eligible to participate in the Contest or win prizes in the Contest.

Employees of the Sponsor’s member retail co‑operatives (“Co‑ops”), the Co‑ops’ Board of Directors as well as their respective immediate family* and those domiciled with the Co‑ops’ employees and the Co‑ops’ Board of Directors are not eligible to participate in the Contest or win prizes in the Contest.

Employees of the Sponsor’s and the Co‑ops’ operators, affiliates, agents, independent judging organization, consulting, advertising and promotional agencies, as well as those domiciled with and the immediate family* of the foregoing, are not eligible to participate in the Contest or win prizes in the Contest.

* “Immediate family” includes parents, siblings, children and spouses.



Four (4) prizes available, each consisting of one (1) $250.00 CAD CO-OP® Gift Card (the “Prize”). Use of the Prize is subject to the terms and conditions of the issuer.


The chances of being selected are dependent upon the total number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period and the level of skill required in the entrant’s unique Recipe.  For the avoidance of doubt, skill is required to win this Contest.



The selection process will take place between June 17, 2024, and June 28, 2024 (the “Judging Period”). A panel of judges appointed by the Sponsor will judge all valid Recipe submissions on the basis of: (i) use of a CO-OP® brand product (10%); (ii) level of attainability (20%); (iii) how compelling the Recipe is (20%); and (ii) how well the Recipe aligns with the CO-OP® brand (50%). In the event of a tie, the Recipe with the highest score in ‘how compelling the Recipe is’ will be chosen. There will be four winners.  Selected entrants will be contacted by email and/or telephone within seven (7) business days of June 28, 2024 (the “Draw Date”) by a representative of Sponsor or Administrator. If a selected entrant cannot be contacted within seven (7) business days of the draw date his/her entry will be disqualified and the Contest Sponsor will move on to the runner up Recipe and so forth until the prize is awarded.  To be declared a prize winner (the “Prize Winner”), the selected entrant must: (1) correctly answer a mathematical skill testing question to be administered via telephone, mail or email; and (2) complete, sign and return a Declaration of Eligibility and Liability/Publicity Release to the Sponsor within seven (7) business days of receipt of written prize notification or Prize will be forfeited and an alternate Prize Winner selected.  Prize Winners consent to the use of their name, address (city and province), and photograph, without compensation, in any future publicity carried out by the Sponsor.



i) Verification. Entries made online and request for participation without purchase are subject to verification by the Sponsor. Any entry that is, as the case may be, incomplete, incomprehensible, inaudible, illegible, fraudulent, mutilated, late, or which does not comply with the rules herein will automatically be rejected and will not entitle a person to an entry or a Prize.

ii) Disqualification. The Sponsor and Administrator reserves the right to disqualify any person or cancel one or more entries of any person entering this contest or who attempts to participate by means contrary to the rules herein or in a manner prejudicial to other participants (e.g., use of Entry Forms obtained from an unauthorized source, entries exceeding the allowable limit, computer hacking, etc.). Any attempt to deliberately damage the Contest Website or undermine the legitimate operation of this Contest is a violation of criminal and civil laws. If such an attempt is made, the Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from that person, without prejudice to the rights of the Sponsor to seek any other remedies to the extent permitted by law. This person could be referred to the competent judicial authorities.

iii) Non-compliance/eligibility. By entering the Contest, entrants agree to abide by these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor with respect to all aspects of the Contest, which are final.  This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws.  To request a copy of these Official Rules, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to CO-OP® “Community Cook Contest” Contest, PO Box 1050, Saskatoon SK S7K 3M9.

iv) Acceptance of a Prize. All Prizes must be accepted as described in these rules and cannot be transferred to another person, substituted for another prize or exchanged in part or in whole against money, subject to the provisions paragraph below.

v) Substitution of a Prize. In the event that it was impossible, difficult and/or more costly for the Sponsor or to award a Prize (or a portion thereof) as described in these rules, the Sponsor reserves the right to award a Prize (or a portion of the prize) of similar nature and equivalent value or, at their sole discretion, the value of the Prize (or a portion of the Prize) indicated herein in cash, without any liability to Sponsor.

vi) Refusal to accept a Prize. The refusal of a Prize Winner to accept a Prize according to the terms herein releases the Sponsor from any obligation related to providing a Prize to that Prize Winner.

vii) Limit of responsibility. By participating in the Contest, entrants agree to release and indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsor, Sponsor’s member retail co-operatives, Administrator, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any independent judging organization as well as their respective parents, related and affiliated companies,  subsidiaries, franchisees, agents and contractors, including advertising and promotional agencies, counsel, marketing partners and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, shareholders, successors, sponsors, partners, licensees, subsidiaries, agents, artists, advisors, assignees and all other associated with the administration, development and execution of this Contest (collectively referred to as the “Released Parties”), from any and all losses, expenses (including legal fees), damages and claims of any kind in connection with the Contest or resulting from the acceptance, possession or use of any Prize, including without limitation any loss, personal injury, death, property damage, or claims based on publicity rights, defamation or invasion of privacy. To be declared a winner, and before obtaining the Prize, the Prize Winner agrees to sign a release to this effect. Under no circumstances will the Released Parties be responsible for any injuries, loss or damages of any kind (compensatory, direct, incidental, indirect, consequential or otherwise) with respect to or in any way arising from, this Contest or the Prize awarded.  In no event shall the Sponsor be required to award more prizes than what is indicated in these Official Rules or award the prizes otherwise than in accordance with these Official Rules.

viii) Responsibility – operation of the Contest. The Released Parties disclaim any liability with respect to: the malfunctioning of any computer component, software or communications line; any faulty, incomplete, or incomprehensible transaction or any transaction erased by any computer or any network, and which may limit or prevent any person from entering the Contest; any technical or human error which may occur in the treatment of or participation in the Contest; problems with the functioning of the website or features of the website, regardless of cause; malfunction or damage to the telephone network or lines, to computer equipment, to voice mail machines or systems, to data or software, to online systems, servers or access providers; any loss of function because witnesses are not activated; congestion on the Internet; the security or privacy of information transmitted via computer or telephone networks; or any breach of privacy due to interference by hackers.

ix) Amendment. Subject to applicable law, the Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, without notice or liability, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this Contest in whole or in part for any reasons whatsoever. 

x) Limitation of prizes. In any case, the Released Parties and suppliers of Qualifying Products, if any, related to this Contest shall not be held to award more prizes than indicated in the rules herein or to award prizes other than in accordance with the rules herein.

xi) Impossibility to act – labour dispute. Released Parties shall not be liable in any way in all cases where their inability to act would result from an event or situation beyond their control (earthquake, war, act of terrorism, fire, flood, storm, riot, insurrection, civil unrest, fire or other force majeure) or a strike, lockout or any other labour dispute in their establishments or in the establishments of organizations or companies whose services are used to hold this Contest.

xii) Limitation of liability – participation. By participating or attempting to participate in this Contest, entrants release the Released Parties from all responsibility for any damage they may incur due to their participation or attempted participation in the Contest.

xiii) Publicity and entrant information.  By participating in this Contest, entrants consent to the use of their name (first and last), place of residence, address, e-mail address, postal code, telephone number, social media handles, comments and image, whether on videotape, photograph or other means, for the administration of this Contest or any publicity, in any form whatsoever without limit as to the period of use, carried out by the Sponsor for advertising purposes or any other purpose deemed relevant, without further notice or compensation to any entrant or Prize Winner. 

xiv) Ownership of Entry Forms. Entry forms, and requests for participation without purchase, are the property of the Sponsor and the Administrator and will in no case be returned to entrants.

xv) Communication with participants. No communication or correspondence will be exchanged with entrants in this Contest except with those selected for a Prize.

xvi) Personal information and Trademarks. The Sponsor respects your privacy.  By entering the Contest you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.  Subject to Section 12(xiii), the personal information provided by participants in connection with this Contest is being and will be used by the Sponsor and/or by third party service providers on behalf of the Sponsor (including the Administrator) only for the purposes of administrating and conducting this Contest, including determining eligibility and awarding and delivering the Prize, and for no other purpose. No communication, commercial or otherwise, unrelated to this Contest will be sent to a participant, unless the participant expressly authorizes it. Federated Co‑operatives Limited will handle personal information in accordance with its privacy policies and practices, which can be accessed on its website or by contacting the privacy officer for Federated Co‑operatives Limited at [email protected]; and in accordance with applicable laws. CO-OP® is a registered trade-mark of Federated Co-operatives Limited. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

xvii) Intellectual Property: All intellectual property, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, designs, promotional materials, web pages, source codes, images, drawings, illustrations, slogans and representations are owned by the Sponsor.  All rights are reserved. Unauthorized copying or use of any of any copyrighted material or other intellectual property without the express written consent of the Sponsor is strictly prohibited.  The Sponsor’s marketing or other partners, if any, shall also have access to and rights to reproduce, copy or otherwise use any materials generated by this Contest or any submissions of materials generated by entrants.

xvii) Decisions of the Sponsor and Administrator. Any decision of the Sponsor or Administrator or their representatives regarding this Contest is final and cannot be appealed.

xix) Identification of the participant. For the purposes of the rules herein, the entrant is the person whose name appears on the Entry Form (or elsewhere, such as on a request for participation without purchase). It is to this person to whom the Prize will be awarded if he or she is selected and declared the Prize Winner.

xx) Unenforceable paragraph. If any section of the rules herein is declared illegal, unenforceable or invalid by a competent court, that section shall be considered invalid, but all other paragraphs not affected will be enforced to the extent permitted by law.

xxi) Jurisdiction. This contest is subject to all applicable local, provincial and federal laws and regulations.